Suggested Videos
YouTube Video Speakers and Lessons
YouTube (and other) videos are a great way to learn about beekeeping. The downside of YouTube is just the number of videos that are available. Beginning beekeepers don't generally know where to start to separate the good sources from the not-so-good. On this page we hope to give you a leg-up on where to start.
Recommended Beekeeper Searches and Channels
The following searches/channels are by beekeepers that our members recommend. These are a great starting place if you are looking for specific topics to learn and/or review beekeeping methods.
Bob Binnie/Basic to Advanced Beekeeping – over 200 videos
Kamon Reynolds/Basic to Advanced Beekeeping -- over 600+ videos
University of Guelph Honeybee Research Centre -- 77 videos
Michael Bush -- 77 videos (search Michael Bush bees/beekeeping)
Michael Palmer -- 70+ videos (search Michael Palmer bees/French Hill Apiaries)
Dr. Jamie Ellis -- 70+ videos (search Dr. Jamie Ellis)
Les Crowder -- 50+ videos (search Les Crowder bees)
Adrian Quiney -- over 120 videos
Cory Steven/Stevens Bee Co. -- 37 videos
Recommended Videos by Topic
The following videos are videos (by topic) that our members recommend.
Mites, Mite Resistance and Varroa Sensitive Hygeine
Cory Stevens -- Mite Resistant Honeybees? VSH Explained
Cory Stevens and Kaira Wagoner -- A powerful tool to select for mite resistant honeybees
Dr. John Harbo -- Measuring and Retaining VSH for ALL BEEKEEPERS
Queens/Queen Rearing
OTS queen rearing -- Mel Disselkoen speaks on OTS Queen Rearing and Miticide-free beekeeping
Bob Binnie -- How We Produce Queens
Kamon Reynolds -- Queen rearing for Beginners!!
Kamon Reynolds -- Grafting Queens for Beginners!
Kamon Reynolds -- Queen Rearing for Beginners - Queen cells!
Sustainable Apiaries
Michael Palmer --The Sustainable Apiary
Michael Palmer -- Brood Factories
James Lee -- Treatment-free and Sustainability/What is Sustainability?
Swarms and Swarm Trapping
Phil Stob — Fishing for Bees